Our Road to Baby // Post 2

We recently took a trip to Seaside, Oregon and I wanted to share some photos.  It was such a nice relaxing and rejuvinating time for us. The ocean always seems to calm my soul. 2015-02-25_0002

A few months back I posted about some of the personal struggles of trying to get pregnant over the last year. (after saying this blog was all about fun and style ha!)  I finally feel like there is some hope and a plan of action.  After going through many Dr.s to figure out what might be the problem, we have recently found a great RE to help with infertility diagnosis.


They have concluded I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which in short means I ovulate sporadically and not even at all most months (anovulary cycles).  We now have a plan to help induce ovulation and move along our journey to starting a family.  It may not be an immediate answer but I am relived we have found a great group of Dr.s (can’t say enough good things about SRM) and have a plan for next few months. PCOS is a very common cause of infertility and there are lots of options to help along the way.  I am so thankful for the support of an amazing husband who is believing along with me for our soon-to-be family.


If you are also going though infertility, know you have a friend in me. I’d love to hear your stories and learn where you are at in your journey to conception.  Please share in the comments below. ❤



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